Crestview Academy aims to prepare young men and women to assume leadership and responsibility in a competitive and changing world. To this end, the School professes and upholds certain values. These values include the discipline of postponing immediate gratification in the interests of earning eventual, hard-won satisfaction and lots of money; the responsibility of defending one’s own ideas and actions by hiring only the best defense money can buy, of respecting the views of others when such views are consistent with Crestview's high ideals, and of accepting the consequences for one’s own actions, except of course as previously stated a high-powered attorney can be hired or whoever is in a position of authority can be paid off; and an appreciation for the lively connection between knowledge and responsibility and the obligation to be served.

The Alma Mater

Crestview School we sing thy praise,

Alma Mater true.

Guide of all our elitist days,

Old and ever new.

Oh Crestview! Oh Crestview!

Priv'leged you acclaim,

Ever richer may you grow,

Endless be your fame.

Never hiding heads in sand,

Alma Mater true.

Founded on Apache land,

Blood not red but blue.


Oh Crestview! Oh Crestview!

Injuns you acclaim,

Ever richer may you grow,

Endless be your fame.

Crestview School we sing thy praise,

Alma Mater true.

Guide of all our priv'leged days,

Old and ever new.

Oh Crestview! Oh Crestview!

Injuns you acclaim,

Ever richer may you grow,

Endless be your fame.

Born with rights to lots of pay,

Alma Mater true.

You will work for us one day,

Ha! Just kidding you.


Oh Crestview! Oh Crestview!

Priv'leged you acclaim,

Ever richer may you grow

Endless be your fame.

Birthright lets us have our way,

Alma Mater true.

You may think you have some say,

Take it to the loo.


Oh Crestview! Oh Crestview!

Priv'leged you acclaim,

Ever richer may you grow

Endless be your fame.

—Ezekiel Wilkes